The Green Yogi - (2 Locations: MLK and Telegraph)
This business is in a different timezone.
Safety & cleanliness
Safety guidelines are provided by The Green Yogi and were last updated on 2/24/23.
Vaccination policies
We kindly request that only fully-vaccinated guests attend in-studio classes at this time
Mask-wearing policies
Masks are optional during practice— we ask that you please stay home if you are experiencing any symptoms of illness.
Social distancing measures
Our classes are typically a full room of people. Spacing is based on mat capacity and instructor comfort in the room. If you prefer more spaciousness we have outdoor offerings, and class size is visible when you register online. Class size indicates the spaciousness available in the room.
Ventilation system
We have air purifiers in all of our studios, and a central HEPA air filter running throughout class.
Featured in top classes for
Sun, Feb 9
75 min
MLK - Vinyasa Flow
Leila Swenson75 min
MLK - Yin Relaxation
Kari JacobsenThe Green Yogi Reviews
4.917,500+ ratings
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- 1
Not yet reviewed.
How to prepare