Spin Society - North Vancouver
This business is in a different timezone.
Safety & cleanliness
Safety guidelines are provided by Spin Society and were last updated on 4/13/22.
Ventilation system
The air in the spin room is being treated using JADE, a medical-grade air purifier. Using a 6-stage purification process the JADE is proven to remove almost 100% of Air Pollutants, Viruses, Bacteria & Fungus that are present in indoor air.
Extra sanitation
Top-grade disinfectant & more frequent daily cleaning. Disinfecting all high-touch surfaces before and after every ride. All bikes disinfected before and after every ride. All weights disinfected before and after every ride. Shoes disinfected & rotated.
Featured in top classes for
Wed, Feb 5
50 min
THEME: Kendrick Lamar x EDM
Hillary50 min
THEME: Avicii x Swedish House Mafia
Evvie50 min
THEME: POP x EDM: Billie Eilish x Tinlicker
AmandaSpin Society Reviews
4.830,000+ ratings
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Not yet reviewed.
How to prepare