Camp5 - Jumpa Sungei Wang Plaza
This business is in a different timezone.
Safety & cleanliness
Safety guidelines are provided by Camp5 and were last updated on 3/23/21.
Mask-wearing policies
Masks must be worn during check-in, check-out and whenever you are not actively climbing, belaying, working out or eating.
Social distancing measures
We maintain strict capacity limits. Our compulsory reservation ensures we never exceed the 30% capacity limit of our facility as required by KBS SOP.
Extra sanitation
Hand sanitizing and self-cleaning spray bottles stations have been set up throughout the facility for your personal use. Our crew conduct surface cleaning every 3 hours.
Limited capacity
The capacity limits of our facilities is less than 30% of our operating capacity. Whilst inside the facilities please obey the signposted limits for each area and maintain safe social distance from others.
Sun, Feb 2
There are no upcoming reservations available on this day
Camp5 Reviews
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How to prepare