• Barry's
    Strength Training, Running


    1937 N Halsted St, Chicago

    Chest, Back & Abs (50 Minutes)

    This is place is meant to feel intense and it is, but it’s not scary intense. You need to be aware that you’re going to be in a dark room lit only with red lights, treadmills positioned right next to each other, loud music and a bunch of people who don’t care if you’re not doing something right because they’re probably not doing it right either (wow, this place is basically a metaphor for life,) Yeah so anyways I really liked it - I had Erika as the instructor, she got me to run faster than I ever have in my life. I enjoyed the class so much I texted my best friend afterwards, “I think I had fun an exercise class.” I will definitely go back and try using heavier weights for the floor exercises and ask for help with my form.
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    Barry’s is the original high-energy, calorie-scorching, cardio and strength interval…