Guinot Institut Carolinas - King St

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Safety & cleanliness

Safety guidelines are provided by Guinot Institut Carolinas and were last updated on 7/20/21.

Vaccination policies

Fully vaccinated Guests can attend indoor reservation without mask but need to use hand sanitizer

Mask-wearing policies

Mask are required from non vaccinated, not tested Guest. Staff wears gloves, mask and shield if not fully vaccinated. Use of the Facial Guardian (Protective glass casing) is at Guest option. Blouses are changed after each treatment. Staff not fully vaccinated are tested every 10 days.

Social distancing measures

Social distances are required as much as possible from Non Vaccinated Guests without negative test.

Ventilation system

The salon has a fully ventilation and air conditioning system


Tue, Apr 16
There are no upcoming reservations available on this day

Guinot Institut Carolinas Reviews

34 ratings
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How to prepare

How to get there