Cocoon Urban Day Spa

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Safety & cleanliness

Safety guidelines are provided by Cocoon Urban Day Spa and were last updated on 1/12/21.

Social distancing measures

We have created at least 6 feet of distance between guests within shared areas.

Extra sanitation

We are enforcing hand washing guidelines and they will be posted in all washrooms. We will provide a sanitization facility near the entrance. We will thoroughly sanitize all commonly used equipment between each appointment and use.

Limited capacity

Appropriate scheduling times, limiting unnecessary interactions between clients.

Contactless check-in

We will conduct a contactless temperature check. We will provide hand sanitizer – this is located next to the door with clear signage, to ensure that all spa visitors properly sanitize their hands. We will require the client to sign our healthy client intake.


Wed, Apr 24
There are no upcoming reservations available on this day

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