Charles McKnight Skin Spa

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Safety & cleanliness

Safety guidelines are provided by Charles McKnight Skin Spa and were last updated on 1/4/22.

Vaccination policies

Please bring your Proof of COVID-19 Vaccination and Photo ID with you to your first appointment so that we can document your dates of vaccination. Please read more at

Mask-wearing policies

Everyone working in the building (and guests, except during treatment) will wear masks at all times.

Ventilation system

The Skin Spa is equipped with a HEPA filter Air Purifier with UV-C feature for killing harmful germs and viruses.

Extra sanitation

Intensive pre- and post-treatment sanitization and disinfection (tools, equipment, surface area, doorknobs, light switches, etc.); towels and linens are immediately removed and washed in the hot sanitation setting of the wash).


Wed, Apr 17
There are no upcoming reservations available on this day

Charles McKnight Skin Spa Reviews

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How to prepare

How to get there