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Unfortunately, this class is full. Choose another time or try another fitness option with a free trial.

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How it works


for 14 days
Get 23 43 credits to use for 14 days
Use credits to book classes, gym time & more
We’ll send you a reminder 2 days before your trial ends. Cancel anytime.

After your trial, you’ll auto-enroll in our $49.00/month plan. You can change or cancel any time during your trial. Late cancel or missed class .

Unfortunately, this class is full. Choose another time or try another fitness option with a free trial.

Class is no longer available
Livestream Meditation - Fundamentals and Techniques
SunAug 9 · 10:00 AM – 10:30 AM
Tai Chi Institute USA -
9293 Olde 8 Road (inside Namaste Yoga Studio)
Northfield, OH, 44067

What can I book with ClassPass?

Find a class or appointment with one app — subject to availability in your area

In-studio classes

Book indoor or outdoor classes at the best studios and gyms near you

Salon & spa appointments

Take a rest day and use your credits to book a massage, haircut and more

Digital classes

Try on-demand classes from top-rated studios
Collage of ClassPass options

Save up to 70% off with exclusive member rates

Receive discounted rates that are normally available with class packs, without having to commit to just one studio.

Monthly memberships start as low as


Applicable taxes may apply. Plans vary. Change or cancel your plan at any time.

Unlock access to everything with a monthly subscription


No restrictions

Every paid membership unlocks access to each fitness studio, gym, salon & spa on our app
No-restrictions alternative image

No visit limits

Love a studio, salon or spa? Book at your faves as often as you want

No commitments

Memberships are month-to-month and we make changing your plan easy

No extra steps

Use one app to book everything, no additional sign ups, log ins or check in steps required