The Strength Yard

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Safety & cleanliness

Safety guidelines are provided by The Strength Yard and were last updated on 3/9/22.

Mask-wearing policies

All staff are required to wear mask when in the gym. Attendees are required to wear their mask when in the gym but allowed to take it off during strenuous activity.

Social distancing measures

Minimum of 2 meters (2 arms length) of social distancing. Floors are demarcated with X's to allow members to gauge.

Extra sanitation

Alcohol based hand sanitisers near the entrances and doors. Disinfectant sprays and paper towel are placed around for attendees to wipe down before and after equipment usage.

Limited capacity

Class capacity is capped at 5 attendees


Wed, Apr 24
There are no upcoming reservations available on this day

The Strength Yard Reviews

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How to prepare

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