SmartSpot is ClassPass’ intelligent spot management tool, designed to help studio partners fill spots they are not likely to fill on their own. It looks at a studio’s fill history and real-time reservations to predict the spots they are not likely to fill directly and automatically list them with ClassPass.
We caught up with Erin Sullivan, manager of Pearl Street Fitness, to learn about the studio’s experience with SmartSpot.
How long have you been using SmartSpot and why did you implement it, initially?
We have been using SmartSpot since ClassPass launched it at the end of 2015. We’re always looking to be on the cutting edge of technology with ClassPass, so as soon as they launched we knew it would be great and wanted to implement it right away!
What has your experience been thus far with SmartSpot?
It’s been so simple and successful, the algorithm adjusts class spots automatically based on past client history. Members don’t lose spots and classes hit their peak clientele potential— win-win!
How do you feel it’s impacted your business?
We run so many classes at Pearl Street Fitness, SmartSpot helps us dynamically improve attendance even during the hours when we would expect less traffic. Pearl Street Fitness prides itself in creating a workout experience that is heightened by the energy of more people per class, SmartSpot has been instrumental in helping us ramp up this energy in all classes.
What are the benefits of using SmartSpot?
SmartSpot benefits our business in many different ways— our monthly revenue with ClassPass has increased exponentially, ClassPass users appreciate it because they can get into more classes last-minute, and classes in less peak time slots have a higher potential of getting filled. We have it turned on and let the algorithm do its magic.
Have you saved time by using SmartSpot?
It’s a huge time saver since we don’t have to automatically go in and adjust the class spots manually, we have the confidence that the system will take past reservation history and open the slots needed to help fill the class.
How often do you check your inventory on ClassPass now that you use SmartSpot?
We still check inventory often to keep an eye on trends— we like to see the ratio of ClassPass users to members in each class. Also, it’s valuable information to us to see what times during the day peak with members vs. ClassPass users.
What have you been able to accomplish now that you use SmartSpot and have extra time when managing your inventory?
We have been able to continue focusing on making Pearl Street Fitness the best boutique fitness class experience in Denver. Instead of having to focus on adjusting spots available in the class last minute, we can connect and get to know our members who are walking through the door. Management has to spend less time online and can spend more time on the tangible, in-person experience.
Do you feel confident in ClassPass’ technology and ability to read your studio’s demand?
We’re always so impressed with ClassPass’ innovation and being ahead of the trends when it comes to technology and ease of studio implementation. We love beta-testing new products and features because they are always such a hit!
Contact the Partner Success team for more details about using SmartSpot at your studio.