Running a business is no easy feat. It’s natural to get overwhelmed or feel burnt out with juggling all aspects of operating your studio. So often, studio owners find themselves spending a majority of their time managing the business-related responsibilities like accounting, marketing and human resources. It’s no wonder studio owners are left feeling exhausted. We’ve compiled a few ways to help avoid burnout and find continued enjoyment in running your studio.
Remember the ‘why’
When surrounded with bills and other stresses of running a business, it’s easy to lose sight of why you started your studio in the first place. Take time on a continual basis to reflect on your passion, vision and mission. Doing so will help you recognize how much you’ve accomplished, which will give purpose to the elements of running your studio that aren’t as fun. Give yourself a visual reminder of what your studio represents and what should be accomplished there – it can be a motivating vision and purpose for your clients as well.
Talk to your patrons to understand their ‘why’
Chances are one of the reasons for opening a studio has to do with your love for fitness and how it can positively affect yourself and others. Remember to connect with your studio patrons to learn about their goals and journeys. When you do, you’ll be reminded of why you do all the hard things. Knowing what your clients are hoping to achieve will also help you know how to better serve them and improve aspects of your business. When you see that your passion positively influences those around you – and that your hard work impacts their ‘why’ – you’ll feel re-energized!
Surround yourself with staff that share your vision
Part of keeping your vision and passion alive is surrounding yourself with others that will help you accomplish those goals and share in the work. Make sure your staff is comprised of individuals who embody your values and want to build your studio up – this will ensure you aren’t shouldering everything on your own.
Join a community of other fitness entrepreneurs
Connecting with others who are experiencing similar challenges as you can be incredibly motivating and inspiring. Associate with other instructors, studio owners or small business owners who can relate to your concerns and challenges; you’ll feel supported and gain new ideas for growing your business. In addition, seek out opportunities to network with your community and within your industry. As you find and foster new connections, you’ll feel a part of something larger, which will help motivate through the difficult parts of business ownership.
Keep your passion alive
Lastly, the most important thing for you to do is continually invest in the passion that originally sparked your desire to start the studio. Whether you enjoy classes at your own gym, visit other studios, and/or engage in additional outside activities, keep your interest and passion in fitness alive by enjoying it yourself. When you make your own personal passions a priority, your other endeavors will benefit as well.
Maintaining a successful business is taxing and requires a lot of hard work. The pay-off is worth it though; remind yourself of the successes – both large and small – and be sure to incorporate these tips as you seek to stay focused and fulfilled with running your studio.
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